Saturday, June 18, 2011

Calendar Board vs. Promethean Board

I teach 2nd grade and I used both a calendar board and a Promethean flip chart this year. I am still not sure what the best solution is but here are my thoughts.

+'s of Calendar Board:
-Ease of use (no technology issues)
-Visually pleasing math display ( I have found that I really like having math reference materials up at all times for my students to refer to.)
-I love my calendar (because it's cute- I know this does not improve student learning but, it does improve my mood!)
-I refer to my board throughout my day and like having it up at all times.

Here are some pictures of my board last year:

I purchased a new place value chart for next year from Really Good Stuff and I am excited to add it to my board. Here is a picture of it:

+'s of Promethean Board:
-You can fit so many skills in a flip chart the possibilities are endless!
-It is quick and fast in that you just move things and write things very quickly.
-It integrates technology and the kids love that!

One of the reasons I ended up using the calendar board more was because I had some technology concerns with my current flip chart I used. What happened was I tried to be too cute and really should have simplified. I had all these great colors and things all over the screen and then when I put it up some things were hard to read due to my projector bulb slowly starting to die. My board was placed directly over our white board and therefore is pretty high creating a problem for students in reaching items at the top. I really want "need" a Promethean wand, does anyone have one? So I think if I redesigned my flipchart to include less colors or a better contrast and really make sure everything is low enough on the page that my kids can reach it I may be swayed to go back to the board. I am glad this post was posted because this is something I really need to ponder and wrap my mind around. 

So...What are your thoughts? I am excited to see what others post!!


  1. Amber, Great Post!! I like having the visual of the calendar board up all day for students and I to reference too. We live in a technology world. My kids are communicating with families across the country via internet and all its capabilities at home. I set each up on my blog in the student pages. The digital calendar is fun, interactive, and engaging. I don't have a promethean board but would keep both if I had one.

    Cheryl Primary Graffiti

  2. Thanks for linking up! I love the pictures of your calendar wall the flip charts.
    Ms. A

  3. I am going to ask what is probably a really stupid question, but here it goes - What is a flipchart? I love the "picture" of your Calendar Math page. I would love to do this on my SMARTboard. I have read several post talking about "flipchart" but I am unsure exactly what they are. Sorry if this seems really stupid, but I am trying to get some clarification. Thanks for your help!

  4. Jenny,
    A flipchart is what a Promethean document is called. Just like in PowerPoint their document is called a PowerPoint, well in Promethean world the software produces a flipchart. I should have specified, I don't know what they are called in the Smart Board software perhaps something similar.

    Thanks for the comments everyone!!


  5. Thank you for specifying for me! I will have to play with my calendar on my SMARTboard and see if I can make it look like yours!! I appreciate your help!

  6. Just stopping by to say thank you for the suppot.

  7. Good points. I'm going with almost everything on my ACTIVboard, but will have a calendar math station where I leave a calendar out all the time.

  8. I love your Calendar Math flipchart. Have you shared it on Promethean Planet? Or would you be willing to share it on your blog so that others don't have to recreate the wheel?

  9. I would also like to have this flip chart. Would you be willing to share?

  10. I would love this!!!!! Would you share?

  11. I'm new to using a Promethean board this year and would love for you to share your flipchart!

  12. Would you please tell me where i can download or purchase your promethean board flipchart awesome

  13. Can you share this?? Love it and have no board space for anything but digital!!! THANK YOU!
